
World Cancer Research Fund International and NCD Alliance have welcomed the Final Report of the Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity (ECHO), [1] published by the World Health Organisation on 25th January 2016 during the 168th meeting of the Executive Board.
The joint statement from WCRF-International [2] and NCD Alliance highlights key points in the report, supporting the report's emphasis on calling for full implementation of a comprehensive, integrated package of policy actions to address childhood obesity. In addition to detailing policy recommendations, the report recognises the need for stronger political commitment and priortised action from Governments. The statement notes opportunties to make such commitments such as the forthcoming Nutrition for Growth Summit in Brazil, and prioritised action from Governments.
Download the full statement here [3].
Post Date:
Tuesday, 26 enero, 2016
Category - News:
Search Keywords:
obesity, WHO, children, NCDs, policy, ECHO