“People living with chronic diseases need to be at the centre and leading the debate.” Relative of a person living with an NCD
The Our Views, Our Voices [1] initiative was launched earlier in 2017 by NCD Alliance and People Living with NCDs. It seeks to meaningfully involve people living with NCDs in the NCD response, supporting and enabling individuals to share their views to take action and drive change. The consultation period to inform the initiative is now underway.
10 minutes of your time, an opportunity to shape the world’s response to NCDs.
Our Views, Our Voices [1] Community Conversations are currently being hosted all over the world, but for those who can’t join them, the Online Consultation of People Living with NCDs, available in English [2], French [3], and Spanish [4], provides a way of making your mark on the Global Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs [5]. The survey will take only a few minutes of your time, no matter where you are.
The Consultation is open to all people living with all NCDs (including care partners, friends, and relatives) and covers a range of themes while seeking your recommendations to decision makers.
The questions are in several sections, and prompt respondents to consider key issues, such as:
- In your opinion, what issues related to treatment, care and support of noncommunicable diseases do not currently receive the attention they deserve from national decision makers? and
- How would you want to become more involved in addressing the impact of noncommunicable diseases in your community?
Geographic snapshot of survey responses to date
At the consultation's half-way point we have heard from 280 individuals living in 40 different countries.
Newly launched French [3], and Spanish [4] translations of the survey will increase its accessibility, and we hope, garner responses from different regions.
Responses represent a wide variety of NCDs, most commonly cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and bone or joint conditions (among many others).
Use your voice to share your views
“Breaking taboo is vital. A great way of doing this is encouraging us to share our stories.” Person living with an NCD
We are calling on communities of people living with all NCDs to join us - there’s still plenty of time to get make your voice heard, and help us to fill the gaps!
Responses will be gratefully received until the 31st of August, so please complete and share this opportunity with your networks.