Leave No One Behind: Ensuring inclusive NCD responses
Tuesday 26th April 2022, 11:00 - 12:00 CEST
The global health policy approach to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) has a focus on five diseases - cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases and mental health, and five modifiable risk factors - tobacco, alcohol use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and air pollution. This is known as the ‘5x5’ approach, but it overlooks several NCDs, such as endocrine-related conditions. This means that many people living with NCDs are at risk of being left behind in terms of access to care.
Tackling NCDs, and thereby reaching these ambitious global goals, requires an approach that is tailored to people, rather than diseases. This entails a fundamental paradigm shift in the way healthcare is designed and delivered. NCD Alliance recently published a new report titled “Leaving No One Behind: Ensuring inclusive NCD responses" [1]which explores what such a shift should look like and provides a spotlight on endocrine health and case studies on thyroid disorders and kidney disease.
Building on evidence from the report, this virtual event will:
- Explore the needs and priorities of people living with a broad range of NCDs with a focus on endocrine-related conditions.
- Share best practice examples from country and global levels which address these needs and priorities.
- Highlight recommended approaches to ensure a more inclusive NCD agenda moving forward.
Speakers for this event include:
- Ms Katie Dain, CEO, NCD Alliance (Moderator)
- Mr Andre Musto, Senior Vice President, Head of Global Cardiovascular Metabolism & Endocrinology Franchise, Merck Healthcare
- Dr. Slim Slama, Head of Unit, NCD Management, World Health Organization
- Dr. Clarito U. Cairo Jr, Medical Officer IV/Program Manager, National Integrated Cancer Control Program including Palliative and Hospice Care and Thyroid Disorders, Department of Health-Disease Prevention and Control Bureau, Philippines
- Dr. Paisan Ruamviboonsuk, Medical Physician, Advisory Level, Rajavithi Hospital, Department of Medical Services, Thailand
- Mr John Gikonyo, Member of NCD Alliance of Kenya (NCDAK), Team Leader of the NCDAK Caucus of People Living with NCDs
- Pr. Leonidas H Duntas, Secretary, European Thyroid Association
Register here [2]