ArogyaWorld produced a series of op-ed pieces in partnership with Young Professionals Chronic Disease Network (YPCDN) with leaders in public health such as Sir George Alleyne, Nils Daulaire, Princess Dina Mired, Peter Piot, Jill Sheffield, Rachel Nugent, Felicia Knaul, Derek Yach and NCD Alliance Steering Group members Johanna Ralston and Ann Keeling.
The pieces are and will be featured in the Huffington Post and The Guardian's Development Blog. This is a great opportunity to mark the occasion of the anniversary through showcasing how NCDs have to become part of the global discussions.
Why are We So Meek in Demanding Treatment for Non-Communicable Disease? [1]
By Princess Dina Mired in the Huffington Post's Impact pages
In First Year, Global Fight Against NCDs Gathers Momentum [2]by George Alleyne and Nils Daulaire in The Huffington Post's Impact pages.
Why non-communicable diseases must be part of any new development goals [3]
By Johanna Ralston and Ann Keeling in The Guardian's Development Blog
Women are a Powerful Solution to the NCD Crisis [4]by Jill Sheffield and Nalini Saligram on Huffington Post's Impact Pages
Food is linked to NCDs and producers must respond [5]by Rachel Nugent and Ann Tutwiler, in the ONE blog.
Closing the NCD Divide - A Matter of Equity and Social Justice [6] by Benn Grover and Felicia Knaul in the Huffington Post's Impact pages.
Learning from AIDS - Responding to Non-Communicable Diseases [7] by Peter Piot in the Huffington Post's Impact page.
Private Sector Serious About Tackling NCDs Despite Concerns of Civil Society [8] by Derek Yach in Huffington Post's Impact section