
Yagazie Emezi/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment
The NCD Alliance (NCDA) has launched a digital version of its Practical Guide to Strategic Advocacy Planning that includes videos, tools and case studies to support civil society action for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs).
Originally released in 2022, the Practical Guide outlines the building blocks needed by civil society to plan and implement effective strategic advocacy campaigns focussed on NCDs at local, national and regional levels.
Designed for national and regional alliances of NCD civil society, and for advocates at all levels – from newly formed groups to the most established – the guide outlines the eight steps of strategic advocacy with the aim of driving legal and policy changes related to NCD prevention and control. It includes practical tools and resources to identify advocacy priorities, conduct political mapping, and develop advocacy workplans.
In an effort to engage a diverse and global audience of civil society, NCD Alliance is exploring novel appealing and interactive formats for its publications and other resources in order to reach audiences seeking to drive transformative policy change.
The digital Practical Guide includes eight new explainer videos, which can be viewed on an easy to navigate pedagogical webpage that outlines how to plan strategic advocacy. The virtual environment offers users a more dynamic and engaging experience than traditional text-based tools.
The Practical Guide includes case studies from the NCD Alliance's global network of member alliances, including India, Vietnam, Mexico, the Philippines and the Caribbean. These cases highlight lessons learned and recommendations that other NCD civil society advocates can use to strengthen their own advocacy campaigns.
The Guide is designed to be adaptable to the specific realities of a given context and advocacy priorities and opportunities. It is structured around eight key steps in planning and conducting strategic advocacy: situation analysis, selecting priority issues, political mapping, tactics and messages, building support among constituencies, creating a work plan and budget, rolling out the advocacy plan, and monitoring and evaluating progress.
The Practical Guide was developed thanks to the NCD Alliance's partnership with The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust.
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Wednesday, 10 May, 2023
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