This week, the Kenya NCD Alliance showed their support for the launch of Kenya’s new National Strategic Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs).
Kenya’s newly launched National Strategic Plan for Prevention and Control of NCDs 2020/21-2025/26 [1] presents a framework to guide the implementation of NCD interventions in Kenya. Non-communicable Diseases Alliance Kenya (NCDAK) members including two representatives of its Caucus of People Living with NCDs have been involved in the Ministry of Health’s technical working group that developed the Strategy and that was launched on 27 July 2021. The process provided a clear opportunity for people living with NCDs to be involved in this critical decision-making.
© NCDAK lived experience advocate John Gikonyo speaking at the launch of the Kenya NCD Strategic Plan alongside the Chief Administrative Secretary, Health.
In addition to the major NCDs, Kenya’s NCD Strategy recognises the less common NCDs; “upstream” modifiable risk factors such as environmental pollutants and agrochemicals that need to be controlled; and people living with NCDs as key partners in strengthening NCD advocacy, communication and social mobilisation at national, county and community level as part of its strategic areas of investment.
The Strategy provides for strong multi-sectoral linkages that will build a concerted effort towards prevention and control of NCDs in Kenya; a monitoring and evaluation framework with clear indicators that will facilitate harvesting of results; and a costed implementation plan.
“There is a lot to be achieved with limited resources, which calls for prioritisation and implementation of activities with the highest impact. Advocacy for increased resource allocation towards NCDs and the health sector as well as improved domestic financing are key for sustainability and successful implementation of the Strategy. Emphasis on alignment with Universal Health Coverage and a strong national coordinating mechanism that facilitates harmonised implementation across all counties is essential to ensure that all Kenyans enjoy a minimum standard of quality NCD interventions” said NCDA Kenya (NCDAK).
NCDAK, part of the Advocacy Institute Accelerator Programme on NCDs and UHC* will map out its role in implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the NCD Strategy, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and other stakeholders, ensuring that people living with NCDs are meaningfully involved throughout.
*as part of NCD Alliance’s partnership with Access Accelerated.