The Cancer Atlas website and The Cancer Atlas, Second Edition book – produced by the American Cancer Society [1], the International Agency for Research on Cancer [2], and the Union for International Cancer Control [3] – provide a comprehensive global overview of information about the burden of cancer, associated risk factors, methods of prevention and measures of control.
The Cancer Atlas aims to increase knowledge, provide a reliable basis for evidence-based decision making, and inspire united action and partnerships against the cancer epidemic.
Launched at the 2014 World Cancer Congress, The Cancer Atlas is intended to provide basic information on the global burden of cancer in a user-friendly and accessible form for cancer control advocates, government and private public health agencies and policy makers as well as patients, survivors and the general public in order to promote cancer prevention and control worldwide.
The Cancer Atlas website [4] makes select data from The Cancer Atlas, Second Edition book available in an easy-to-consume, interactive fashion, and features highlights and downloadable chapters and graphics from the book.
Visit the Cancer Atlas website [4]
Photo courtesy: ACS leaders share newest ACS publication, The Cancer Atlas, 2nd Ed, at World Cancer Congress 2014 in Australia