
The high‐level week of the 71st UN General Assembly (UNGA71) will take place from 19 – 23 September 2016. Heads of State and Government will meet to participate in the General Debate, touching upon issues such as progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), antimicrobial resistance, and the refugee crisis.
It will be the first UN General Assembly since the adoption of the SDGs, and will provide an opportunity for the NCD community to engage across sectors to highlight NCDs and health as a global development priority.
Key messages for the week
The high-level week of UNGA71 and the three high-level meetings taking place during the week enable the NCD and health community to highlight NCDs across the SDGs, champion co-benefit solutions, and encourage a whole of government and sector approach to reducing the burden of NCDs. For more detailed information, download our advocacy briefing in the link below.
Side events
NCD Alliance is involved in a number of events during the week:
- Tuesday 20 September, 13:15-14:45: Urban Food Systems: The Nutrition Challenge, UN HQ
- Tuesday 20 September, 18:00 - 19:30, reception to follow: Leveraging Solutions to Improve Access to Healthcare for People Living with NCDs, Convene Center
- Friday 23 September, 11:00 - 13:30: Health in Post-2015 NGO Strategy Meeting, UN Foundation
Please contact us [1] if you are planning an event and/or will be in New York.
Download via the links below NCDA advocacy briefing for UNGA71 and the full calendar of health-related side events.
Post Date:
Wednesday, 7 September, 2016
Category - News: