The Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs in Kenya
The Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs in Kenya is the result of a two-day consultative process involving the voices of 52 people living with NCDs, representing diverse conditions along with over 50 diverse stakeholders engaged in the NCD response in Kenya.
Advocacy Materials
The Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs in Kenya
1 December, 2018
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Civil Society Resource Library
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The Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs in Kenya is the result a two-day consultative process involving the voices of 52 people living with NCDs, representing diverse conditions along with over
50 diverse stakeholders engaged in the NCD response in Kenya.
In March 2018, the NCD Alliance partnered with the NCD Alliance of Kenya, under the aegis of a broader partnership with Access Accelerated, to advance the Our Views, Our Voices initiative in Kenya by seeking to meaningfully involve people living in the NCD response and channel the power of the lived experience into effective action against NCDs.
135 people, including people living with NCDs and caregivers, Kenyan Ministry of Health officials, Country First Ladies, NCD Alliance of Kenya members and other stakeholders met at a two-day national workshop to facilitate the meaningful involvement of people living with NCDs in the NCD policy-making and health systems strengthening processes as well as in civil-society led action on NCDs.
The Advocacy Agenda of People living with NCDs in Kenya has been developed through an iterative process based on discussions undertaken during the workshop and by identifying key ‘asks’ raised by people living with NCDs and caregivers. All workshop participants jointly reviewed the final draft of the Advocacy Agenda before it was presented.
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