© NCD Alliance

Publié | 15 juillet 2018 |
Auteur | NCD Alliance |
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Mental health has long been overlooked when NCDs are discussed or seen as being separate. But the synergies across all NCDs including mental health mean it makes sense for governments to address the common risk factors and systems barriers to reduce premature and preventable suffering and death. In alignment with target 3.4 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), “by 2030, reduce by one third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being”, mental health must be integrated into the response to NCDs.
Mental health conditions are one of the major groups of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) with crucial relevance in efforts to control and prevent NCDs. Mental health also has links to cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and other NCDs. By considering mental ill health and other NCDs together, we can improve the lives of people affected by NCDs worldwide, and guide advocacy at global, regional and national level for strong commitments at the September 2018 UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs.
This resource was developed by members of the World Federation for Mental Health, Mental Health Innovation Network and NCD Alliance to support advocacy by global health advocates seeking integration of Mental Health into policy, processes and actions to prevent and control NCDs.