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  • Calling the World to Action on Diabetes – An Advocacy Toolkit

    Announcements  |  18th April 2011

    Last week IDF, one of the founding federations of the NCD Alliance, launched an Advocacy Toolkit

  • African Health Ministers adopt Brazzaville Declaration on Noncommunicable Diseases

     |  11th April 2011

    The first Africa Regional Ministerial Consultation on noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) ended in the Congolese capital on Wednesday (6 April) with the adoption of the Brazzaville Declaration on NCDs. The Declaration urged urgent action by various stakeholders to address major NCDs and priority conditions which represent “a significant challenge” to people in the African region: cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer and chronic respiratory diseases, diseases of blood disorder (in particular sickle cell disease), mental health, violence and injuries.

  • World's Leading Scientists and NCD Alliance Join Forces To Set Priority Interventions for UN High-Level Summit

    Announcements  |  06th April 2011

    A landmark global alliance between leading scientists and the NCD Alliance brings together evidence from a 5-year collaboration with nearly 100 of the world's leading NCD experts and proposes a short-list of five priority interventions to tackle this increasing global crisis: Reducing tobacco and salt use, improving diets and physical activity, reducing hazardous alcohol intake, and achieving universal access to essential drugs and technologies.

  • Blog Commentary on NCD Alliance Proposed Outcomes Document

    Announcements  |  24th March 2011

    What Should the UN Summit on NCDs Deliver? The Global Health Community Articulates its “Asks” Wed 23 Mar 2011 Arogya World

  • NCD Alliance unveils ground-breaking document for successful UN Summit on Non-communicable Diseases

    Press Releases  |  22nd March 2011

    Practical, achievable actions to turn the tide of a global epidemic of non-communicable diseases are today published by the NCD Alliance.

  • Australia taking the lead on fight against NCDs

    Announcements  |  16th March 2011

    NCDs were under the spotlight in Canberra on the 2nd of March, when the Australian counterpart of the NCD Alliance - “Australians for Global Action on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)”- met with parliamentarians and senior health and aid officials to discuss the global emergency caused by the diseases. It was recognized at the forum that the diseases pose a major barrier to global, social and economic development, exacerbating poverty and increasing health inequities both between and within countries.

  • 40 Latin American organizations launch the Healthy Latin American Coalition (HLAC)

    Announcements  |  07th March 2011

    (Buenos Aires, 3/4/2011) More than 40 Latin American civil society organizations met in Buenos Aires to launch the Healthy Latin American Coalition (HLAC) and develop a declaration recognizing the grave impact of non-communicable diseases (NCD) in the region, not only as a health emergency but as a deterrent to human development and an obstacle in the fight to prevent poverty.

  • The Bottom Billion Conference: 'This is the time to send a loud and simple message to Heads of State and Governments'

    Announcements  |  02nd March 2011

    NCDs of the Bottom Billion Conference, 2-3 March, Harvard University Opening Statement by the NCD Alliance delivered by Jean-Claude Mbanya, President of the International Diabetes Federation Ladies and Gentlemen, I am delighted to be at this conference speaking on behalf of NCD Alliance.