In 2021, we are celebrating the power and potential of communities to co-create healthier societies.
COMMUNITIES power governments. Participation is essential to ensure and accelerate progress on NCD prevention and care in a way that upholds the right to health and leaves no one behind.
YOU have the right to be heard and participate in all aspects of society, including health. Governments must ensure communities are at the heart of decision-making processes.
GOVERNMENTS and communities can build healthier societies together. YOU can drive change by reaching out to others, participating in decision making, sharing stories, calling out injustice, and collaborating.
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About the Global Week for Action on NCDs
The Global Week for Action on NCDs was first organised in 2018 ahead of the UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs, when the NCD movement was mobilised to say ENOUGH to preventable death and illness from NCDs. People living with NCDs, high-level champions and hundreds of advocates from NCDA’s network of supporters, members, national and regional alliances, as well as individuals demanded “our health, our right, right now”. The second Week for Action in 2019 also took place under the umbrella of the ENOUGH campaign, and built on a momentous first year.
Now, it is time to move from ENOUGH to Action! Starting in 2020 and continuing until the fourth UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs in 2025, the Global Week for Action on NCDs campaign will focus on bridging the biggest gaps to progress on NCDs: Accountability, Investment, Leadership, Community Engagement and Care. Each year will be dedicated to one of them - starting with Accountability in 2020 and Community Engagement in 2021 - and with specific actions suggested to strengthen collaboration across the NCD movement.
The campaign is calling on everyone to get involved - no action is too small; no voice is insignificant. There are many actions you can take, from creating your own message for social media or writing a letter to your Minister of Health, to convening an NCD alliance in your country or region. The Global Week for Action on NCDs is an opportunity for all of us to take a step towards a world where everyone enjoys equal rights to health.