Norway and NCD Alliance partner to scale up NCD action in developing countries

Mon, 06/14/2021

The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation announced today a two-year partnership with NCDA to support prevention and care for NCDs in LMICs throughout 2021-2023.


8 key moments from 74th World Health Assembly

NCD Alliance's Policy and Advocacy Director, Nina Renshaw reflects on the top 8 moments of the 74th World Health Assembly. 


Le Mexique se dirige vers l’élimination des acides gras trans industriels (AGTi)

Mon, 06/07/2021

Afin de réduire la consommation mondiale d’AGT, l’OMS recommande à tous les pays d’éliminer de leur approvisionnement alimentaire national les AGT produits industriellement (AGTi). 


Diálogos regionales en Asia Sudoriental y Pacífico Occidental sobre las ENT

Mon, 06/07/2021

La Alianza de ENT auspicia un diálogo regional conjunto de Asia Sudoriental y Pacífico Occidental sobre las ENT y reconstruir mejor después de la COVID-19.


México avanza hacia la eliminación de ácidos grasos trans producidos industrialmente (AGT-PI)

Mon, 06/07/2021

Para reducir el consumo mundial de AGT, la OMS recomienda que todos los países eliminen los AGT producidos industrialmente (AGT-PI) de su suministro nacional de alimentos.


South-East Asia and Western Pacific regional dialogues on NCDs

Mon, 06/07/2021

NCD Alliance is hosting a South-East Asia and Western Pacific joint regional dialogue on NCDs and building back better after COVID-19.

