Recently, the NCD Alliance has stepped up its focus on supporting national action. We believe that a vibrant and strong civil society movement capable of delivering its three primary roles — advocacy, acting as a watchdog and the direct provision on NCD services — is a fundamental strategy to reach the global “25 by 25” NCD premature mortality reduction target.
Today, NCDA is coordinating a network of 28 national NCD alliances and 5 regional NCD alliances. These alliances are providing important platforms from which to advocate for improved coverage of NCD interventions, patient empowerment and stronger health systems with their countries.
The expected outcomes of the 2015 Forum:
• Strengthened capacity of national and regional alliances to have an impact on the NCD response at national, regional and global levels.
• Coordinated NCD civil society response with clear advocacy objectives and priorities at the national, regional and global level.
• Strengthened NCD civil society network with increased working collaborations between alliances and with partnerships with other stakeholders.
• An increased understanding of priorities, needs and lessons learnt of national and regional NCD alliances that can be translated into future capacity building initiatives.
The Sharjah Declaration on NCDs: Civil Society United Towards 2030
The "Sharjah Declaration on NCDs: Civil Society United Towards 2030" can be downloaded here
Read our network release announcing the adoption of The Sharjah Declaration and the next Forum in 2017 here.