The second phase of the Advocacy Institute has introduced two new Accelerator Programmes:
In 2020, the NCDs and UHC Accelerator Programme was launched, aiming to increase the capacity of 11 established NCD alliances to drive effective in-country NCD and UHC advocacy in Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Malaysia, Rwanda, Tanzania and Vietnam.
In 2021, a new NCD Prevention Accelerator Programme was launched, supporting 4 established alliances in Ghana, India, Mexico and the Philippines to advocate for NCD prevention and selected NCD risk factors.
The Accelerator Programme aims to achieve:
Advocacy successes and early policy wins, including raised visibility of NCDs, constructive relationships with policy makers, and incremental gains in policy development;
NCD alliances with increased legitimacy and relevance, including increased advocacy capacity, involvement of non-health actors and grassroots mobilisation (including people living with NCDs and youth), and ability to quickly respond to opportunities/threats;
NCD alliances that are knowledgeable of and actively involved in global and regional NCD policy processes;
NCD alliances that are actively involved with the broader community of national and regional alliances.
The first phase of the Advocacy Institute Accelerator Programme ran from 2017 - 2019, with the aim of actively involving national NCD alliances in global advocacy efforts – including opportunities afforded by the 2018 UN High Level Meeting on NCDs - and showcase national action at regional and global fora. In this first phase, NCDA supported five well-established alliances in Brazil, Colombia, India, Mexico and South Africa. You can find out more about their work here.
Participating Accelerator NCD alliances
Learn more about participating Accelerator NCD alliances.
Read about the Accelerator Programme training programmes and workshops covering the topics of global advocacy, the global policy landscape, monitoring and evaluation – and more!
NCDA Virtual Training Platform

If you have received an invititaiton to join the Accelerator Virtual Training, click below to log in:
Log in to Accelerator Virtual Training
The Accelerator Programme includes grants supporting advocacy efforts of the NCD alliances as well as grants tailored to strengthen the functioning of each alliance. Find out more about what our partners are working on here!