The Forum will bring together representatives from NCD civil society from across the world, building links with multilaterals, international NGOs, select government representatives and NCD experts.
It will be an interactive forum, providing a safe space for knowledge exchange, sharing good practices, and capacity building for NCD advocacy.
What can delegates expect?
3 days - 1 pre-forum day, with pre-meetings, regional advocacy meetings, satellite sessions; 2 days official forum programme
400 delegates
60+ national and regional NCD alliances
Youth and people living with NCDs representation
3 plenaries, 3 workshop streams, 18 workshops
Launch of key publications
Second iteration of the Sharjah Awards to celebrate best practice and success in advocacy/accountability by alliances.
Social events, including Gala Dinner.
Greater opportunities for delegate interaction and engagement
Programme is under development. You can access to the preliminary programme by clicking on the image below:

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