ENTREVISTA: La historia detrás de la nueva estrategia contra las ENT de Sudáfrica

Mon, 09/19/2022

Sudáfrica ha lanzado su nueva estrategia para las ENT, el Plan Estratégico Nacional para la Prevención y el Control de Enfermedades No Transmisibles, 2022-2027. En esta entrevista, la Dra. Vicki Pinkney-Atkinson, directora de la Alianza de ENT Sudáfrica, que trabajó con el gobierno más de ocho años para completar el documento, analiza el proceso y los resultados.


Rwanda NCD Alliance receives prestigious Primary Health Care Award

Wed, 09/21/2022

The Rwanda NCD Alliance has been selected as a recipient of the 2022 UN Interagency Task Force and the WHO Special Programme on Primary Health Care Award. The award recognises their work in building multisectoral collaboration on NCDs in Rwanda.


A person dies every two seconds from an NCD, says WHO report

Wed, 09/21/2022

Every two seconds, a person under the age of 70 dies of an NCD, and 86% of those deaths occur LMICs, says WHO in a new report and accompanying data portal.


INTERVIEW: The story behind South Africa's new NCD strategy

Mon, 09/19/2022

South Africa has launched its new NCD strategy, The National Strategic Plan for the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases, 2022-2027.In this interview, Dr. Vicki Pinkney-Atkinson is Director of the South African NCD Alliance, which worked with the government over eight years to complete the document discusses the process and results.


2022 Act On NCDs Campaign Fuel Awards – Activity Report form

2022 Act On NCDs Campaign Fuel Awards – Activity Report form


About your organisation
Please write down your organisation name here if it isn't in the above list.
Please enter a web address starting with https://
Please enter a web address starting with https://
Please enter a web address starting with https://
Please enter a web address starting with https://
Please enter a web address starting with https://
About your organisation's Week for Action focal point
This person may be contacted for more information.
About your event or activity
Please complete as many fields as possible.
eg. media engagement, art competition, webinar, meeting with ministers, community health screening, etc.
If appropriate, please indicate venue and/or city, country. If it's an online event, please indicate it was a digital/online activity. If both, please note the in person location and that there was an online component.
If the event/s took place on several days please explain this in the description below.
Maximum 200 words.
Maximum 300 words.
Can be a link to social media, news or photos with including a date stamp for when it was published or taken. Maximum 200 words.
Maximum 200 words.
Maximum 200 words.
If yes, who and how? Maximum 200 words.
Describe how you worked with and/or involved other organisations and stakeholders in and outside the NCD community.
Tick all that apply.
Maximum 200 words.
Approximate is ok, and please indicate the currency.
eg. social media messages, post cards, a shadow report, infographics, webinar, etc. Maximum 100 words.
For example, a photo of your activity, screen shot of a webinar, letter sent to policy makers, report published
Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx ppt pptx.
(such as a poster or social media graphic)
Files must be less than 10 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx ppt pptx.
for example journalists, print or online news, TV, radio
Please let us know here if there is anything else that would be useful for us to know (e.g. if there are additional organisers involved in addition to the member alliance, other links that didn't fit above, etc.). If you need to share other information that cannot be uploaded, please email [email protected] and include your Campaign Fuel Awards and your alliance name in the subject line.
I provide consent to the NCD Alliance (or ncdalliance.org) to collect, store and publish personal data from this form. The information will be used only for the purpose(s) for which you have submitted this form. You can change your mind at any time by sending an email to [email protected]. You can find more information about our privacy policy here.

Impacts of healthcare providers focus of new series of NCD Diaries

Thu, 09/01/2022

The third series of the NCD Diaries project focuses on the impacts that healthcare providers have had on the journeys of people living with NCDs.


La red de ENT africana impulsa su incidencia durante las reuniones del comité regional para África

Mon, 09/12/2022
La Red de ENT de África (ANN), en colaboración con la Alianza de ENT, prepara y presenta declaraciones sobre los puntos de la agenda relacionados con las ENT en las Reuniones del Comité Regional de África (RCM) de la OMS.

Más voces se suman y se hacen escuchar en la Semana Mundial de Acción sobre las ENT 2022

Mon, 09/12/2022

Más grande y mejor es la forma más sencilla de describir la Semana Mundial de Acción 2022 de la Alianza de ENT, que finalizó el domingo 11 de septiembre, gracias a las voces que se hicieron escuchar en persona y en línea por miembros de la comunidad de ENT en todo el mundo.


Une lettre ouverte appelle à l’inclusion des MNT dans la programmation du Fonds mondial

Fri, 09/02/2022

Dans une lettre ouverte au Fonds mondial, l’Alliance sur les MNT et un groupe d’experts en santé mondiale de premier plan appellent au financement intégral des services de prévention et de prise en charge des MNT dans les programmes de l’organisation. 


Las asociaciones poderosas pueden desbloquear las inversiones para las ENT

Con el apoyo de Access Accelerated, el Banco Mundial ha desarrollado un nuevo enfoque para ayudar a los PIMB a traducir los compromisos mundiales con las ENT en acciones políticas e inversiones.

